Doris Lessing
Doris May Lessings (født 22. oktober 1919) er en britisk forfatterinde født i Iran.
Doris Lessing blev kendt som britisk forfatterinde med debut i 1950 med ægteskabsromanen Græsset synger (The Grass is Singing). Blev indstillet til Bookerprisen for Briefing for a Descent into Hell i 1971, for The Sirian Experiments i 1981, samt for The Good Terrorist i 1985, dog uden at vinde. Hun udgav sine erindringer Under huden i 1994. I 2001 fik hun prisen Prince of Asturias Prize in Literature for hendes arbejder om frihed og den tredje verden. Hun modtog også The David Cohen British Literature Prize.
- The Grass Is Singing (1949)
- The Children of Violence Series (1951-1959):
- Martha Quest
- A Proper Marriage
- A Ripple from the Storm
- Landlocked
- The Four-Gated City
- The Summer Before the Dark
- The Golden Notebook (1962)
- The Temptation of Jack Orkney and other stories
- A Small Personal Voice (Essays)
- Briefing for a Descent into Hell (1971) - Nomineret til Bookerprisen 1971
- Memoirs of a Survivor (1974)
- The Canopus in Argos: Archives Series (1979-1983)
- Shikasta
- The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four, and Five
- The Sirian Experiments - Nomineret til Bookerprisen 1981
- The Making of the Representative from Planet 8
- Documents Relating to the Sentimental Agents
- Stories (collection)
- Under the pseudonym Jane Somers:
- The Diary of a Good Neighbour (1983)
- If the Old Could... (1984)
- The Good Terrorist (1985) - Nomineret til Bookerprisen 1985
- The Fifth Child (1988)
- Lessings autobiography:
- Under My Skin: Volume One of My Autobiography, to 1949 (1995)
- Walking in the Shade: Volume Two of My Autobiography 1949 to 1962 (1997)
- Love, Again (1996)
- Mara and Dann (1999)
- Ben, in the World (a sequel to The Fifth Child) (2000)
- The Sweetest Dream (2002)
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