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- Most Men Are Toolbox Men
- Where Has The Love Gone Citat: "...remember this: Sex is fun....When sexual intimacy starts to disappear in a relationship, many couples fall into a trap that I call the standoff. In a standoff situation, neither partner is honestly communicating their needs with one another...."
- What makes a woman desire a man instantly? By Peta Heskell page 2 Citat: "...The primitive driver – me Mark, you Mandy...Let’s go back to the primitive beginnings of human beings....About the Author: Article generously provided by Peta Heskell. Peta Heskell is the Director of the Flirting Academy..."
- "Facinating Facts about Testosterone" Citat: "...hormones, psychology and sex all dance together in an intricate quadrille, not a simple two-step. Even its greatest advocates argue that testosterone is not a panacea. ..."
- Search Dr. Tracy's Love Advice Articles by Keyword
- For Women: How to Attract a Man Citat: "...If you've been having trouble attracting men, try being more open and affectionate...."
- For Men: How to Attract a Woman Citat: "...Every woman wants to be the center of attention. If that's her experience with you -- a man who remains totally engaged in conversation with her, unaffected by the gorgeous girl at the next table, she'll find it irresistable....Do you want to be successful with women? Follow the ritual, even if you think it's bullshit...."
- 29 ways in which men embarrass women and how to deal with (some of) them
- thedicklist: Citat: "...Ladies, this is one to watch out for. He will charm you with his humor and silliness but then you will realize he's merely drunk and wants to get in your pants...."
- thedicklist: Citat: "...This dick has been fucking my two best friends for three years now. He completely leads them both on. One night he is in love with one, the next he is in love with the other...."
- thedicklist: Citat: "...Then to top it off, I see him five years later and he still wants me. What a fucking prick...."
- Why Is Love So Bizarre? Michael P. Levine
- Dr. Ronald L. Neff: What is this thing called love? What the research says. Citat: "... But in the modern Western World we choose a mate for one reason only: because we are "in love."...Dr. Walster explained that romantic love consists of only two things:..."
- What Is love - Part II. Citat: "... And that, folks, is all there is to it. If these two things occur, romantic love follows. Period...."
- Romance -- Dissected
- Love. Is it worth the hassle? Citat: ".... Falling in love, says Peck, is really a regression to that stage of babyhood....Now there is a choice: either the relationship ends or, as Peck puts it, 'they initiate the work of real loving' (Peck 88)...."
- What Is Romantic Love (forelskelse) Anyway? Citat: "...No wonder so many pre-marital couples think they don't need counseling to aid in communication...."
- Romantic Love (forelskelse)
- what-is-love (børn og unge menneskers definitioner), 2, 3, 4
- What Is "Love"?
- Response to What is Love (blander kærlighed og forelskelse)
- BBCNews: To love, honour and deceive
- In 17th century Spanish literature, women are the vessels of men's honor
- New Scientist: Girl Talk Citat: "..."You can predict male behaviour from female behaviour but not the other way round,"..."
- Sex Quotes, Sex Quotations, Sex Sayings, Famous Sex Quotations
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